Monday, November 11, 2013

Coconut Oil: Food For Your Brain

Researchers are actively looking to Coconut Oil and it's positive effects for Alzheimer's patients. The human brain uses glucose for fuel. Most of the time our brains rely on glucose from carbohydrates, but if that isn't available - because we haven't eaten anything for a while or because we're eating almost no carbohydrates - then our brain cells can switch to using the energy from our fat stores. This energy comes in the form of small molecules called ketones.

Through brain scans, Alzheimer's researchers have found that as the disease progresses and gets worse, sections of the brain lose their ability to properly process sugar into energy. When this occurs, the brain begins to use its own cells for energy, causing severe deterioration and dementia.

Coconut oil may help by boosting the brain's energy supply as it is rich in medium-chain triglycerides (MCTs). When the human body metabolizes MCTs, it creates ketone Beta-hydroxybutyrate. This ketone helps to protect the neurons in the brain and provide energy to cells (much like glucose). The ketones found in coconut oil provide a fuel to the brain that is thought to be very beneficial to those suffering from dementia and Alzheimer's.  

How to get the benefits of coconut oil into your diet?  

* Take 4 teaspoons per day.
 Where to buy?  Whole Foods, Trader Joes & most health food stores

More information:

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