Friday, December 6, 2013

Healthy Holidays

The holidays are here!  To celebrate this year, I visited my family.  What a wonderful trip!  It is so good to have done enough emotional clearing through N.E.T, meditation & body work, to be able to fully enjoy every member of my family (without the presence of my childhood wounds).  A thought occurred to me when I was on the airplane home, watching the Flight Safety video.  "Secure the oxygen mask on yourself before you help another with their oxygen supply".  This visual, so clearly demonstrated on the airplane survival video inspired this month's message.  We MUST make time for our own health before we do for others! Without our own emotional, physical, financial & spiritual foundation, we cannot effectively help others.

All year our newsletter is dedicated to empowering you with expertise, information, tools and resources to live to your optimal health potential!  We pride ourselves on having an exceptional staff and offering only the best in non-surgical, drugless forms of health care.  Revisit our newsletter & wellness library during your down time this holiday.  And set a resolution in 2014 to set aside 1 hour each day "only for you"!

Especially given the upheaval of this past year and uncertainty of healthcare in the coming year.  It is becoming more and more evident that our healthcare is up to us. Try visiting a Wellness Consultant and adding techniques like Chiropractic, Detoxification, Acupuncture and Therapeutic Massage as part of your wellness plan.  These techniques focus on releasing stress, helping to restore balance, release toxins, drop weight & energize the body.  We can no longer rely on a statistically failing health system, dependent on pharmaceutical drugs & interventions.  True health for yourself and your loved one's comes from education and making informed decisions not by following the crowd.  Our services are unique because we find the true cause of your problem by listening, and get results while honoring the bodies innate wisdom.  Until our next adjustment...
Wishing you and yours the Healthiest of Holidays, 
Dr. Heidi & the InnerMovement Wellness Team

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