Monday, July 30, 2012



Traveling can be a pain in the neck - literally!  Planes, trains & automobiles can also wreak havoc on our backs.  Here are a few tips to help reduce pain while traveling: 

 1.  Spinal support:  When traveling for long period in a car, plane or train, place a rolled towel or small pillow in the curve of your lower back and place a U-shaped neck pillow or rolled towel around your neck. This will help you maintain better posture, which is critical to maintaining normal curves in your back.

2. Stay hydrated:  One of the most basic, yet common, causes of pain is dehydration. Not having enough fluid in the body to keep the body cool, the blood moving, the muscles supple and the tendons relaxed.

3.  Baggage handling:  Try to pack only what you need and keep stress off the shoulders by utilizing luggage with wheels.  Also, be mindful of your posture when lifting bags into the overhead bins or from baggage claim carousels.

4.  Get some rest:  Hotel pillows can often be the source of a sore neck in the morning.  Travel with your own pillow or ask for extras when you check in.  You can also use a pillow (or folded over towel) in between your knees.

5.  Keep the blood flowing: On long flights, be sure to stand up for a few minutes and doing some light stretching, twisting or bending will help keep you limber, relaxed and the blood moving in and out of the muscles.

Be sure to check out our "Retail Deal" this month to save 10% on any of our posture tools and... Bon Voyage!

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