Monday, August 13, 2012

Emotional Stress and our Health


dr heidi
Dr. Heidi

This month I'd like to speak about emotional stress and the role it plays in our health. Research shows that acute episodes or prolonged periods of stress negatively effect our health.  We all know we are more likely to get sick when we are under a lot of stress.  What most of us don't know is how to effectively address our emotions so that they don't build stress in our bodies creating ill health.  

A healthy emotional state is a state where emotions flow freely.  This means we feel our emotions as they arise than express or allow them to move through us like a river. When an emotion creates stress in us, it is because we have not experienced the emotion fully and allowed it to move.  Instead we hold the emotion inside (anger, sadness, fear..) which builds tension causing our cells stagnate.  It has been said that repressed anger is acid on the soul but anger expressed in a healthy way can be fuel for change.  That sadness is sweet but only when expressed otherwise it turns inward and becomes depression.  That fear is necessary for in facing it you grow courage.  And happiness when felt to its depth becomes bliss.

When we allow ourselves to feel the full spectrum of emotions in a healthy way it can enrich our lives and create depth in us.  If we simply ignore and devalue our emotional state, it is guaranteed to have detrimental effects on one's health.  This is why I not only utilize Neuro Emotional Technique in my treatments, but emphasize the importance of daily prayer/meditation/mindfulness to address the daily buildup of stress.  I'm also happy to share the daily practices I use to help cope with the stressors in my life.  And introduce you to the Meditation retreats I attend regularly that have been paramount in my personal healing process.        
Until our next adjustment.... 

Yours in health,    
Dr. Heidi & The InnerMovement Wellness Team 

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