Today researchers know there is a critical link between the nervous system and the immune system.
Chiropractic adjustments help regulate the autonomic nervous system. Your nervous system (brain, spinal cord, and nerves) controls pretty much everything, communicating with endocrine and immune tissue to modulate chemical reactions that keep you healthy. Other documented happy side effects of this autonomic regulation include lowering blood pressure, relieving anxiety, and reducing inflammatory cytokines and pain.
Our immune system plays such an enormous role in the overall health of literally every cell and tissue in the body. Not only is it the immune systems job to protect from coughs and colds but also it helps fight against cancer; repair damaged joints and slow down the aging process.
Patients who come in with colds, sore throats, sinus congestion and stomach viruses often remark that their recovery seems to be accelerated by the chiropractic adjustment. Researchers in New York found that people under chiropractic care demonstrated 200% greater immune function than those who were not receiving Chiropractic adjustments (1).
6 Studies Show Chiropractic Benefits On The Immune System
Chiropractic adjustments help regulate the autonomic nervous system. Your nervous system (brain, spinal cord, and nerves) controls pretty much everything, communicating with endocrine and immune tissue to modulate chemical reactions that keep you healthy. Other documented happy side effects of this autonomic regulation include lowering blood pressure, relieving anxiety, and reducing inflammatory cytokines and pain.
Our immune system plays such an enormous role in the overall health of literally every cell and tissue in the body. Not only is it the immune systems job to protect from coughs and colds but also it helps fight against cancer; repair damaged joints and slow down the aging process.
Patients who come in with colds, sore throats, sinus congestion and stomach viruses often remark that their recovery seems to be accelerated by the chiropractic adjustment. Researchers in New York found that people under chiropractic care demonstrated 200% greater immune function than those who were not receiving Chiropractic adjustments (1).
6 Studies Show Chiropractic Benefits On The Immune System
1) Pero R. "Medical Researcher Excited By CBSRF Project Results." The Chiropractic Journal, August 1989; 32
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