Thursday, August 14, 2014

Chiropractic Care & Immunity

Today researchers know there is a critical link between the nervous system and the immune system.

Chiropractic adjustments help regulate the autonomic nervous system.  Your nervous system (brain, spinal cord, and nerves) controls pretty much everything, communicating with endocrine and immune tissue to modulate chemical reactions that keep you healthy.  Other documented happy side effects of this autonomic regulation include lowering blood pressure, relieving anxiety, and reducing inflammatory cytokines and pain.

Our immune system plays such an enormous role in the overall health of literally every cell and tissue in the body.  Not only is it the immune systems job to protect from coughs and colds but also it helps fight against cancer; repair damaged joints and slow down the aging process.

 Patients who come in with colds, sore throats, sinus congestion and stomach viruses often remark that their recovery seems to be accelerated by the chiropractic adjustment. Researchers in New York found that people under chiropractic care demonstrated 200% greater immune function than those who were not receiving Chiropractic adjustments (1). 

6 Studies Show Chiropractic Benefits On The Immune System
1) Pero R. "Medical Researcher Excited By CBSRF Project Results." The Chiropractic Journal, August 1989; 32

Want to know more?  Ask Drs. Heidi or Neha how Chiropractic can improve your health!

Tuesday, August 12, 2014

How Massage Benefits The Immune System

Research shows that the benefits of regular therapeutic massage extend far beyond relaxation.  

New evidence has begun to show that massage therapy has positive effects on management of stress hormones and immune function. 

Clinical studies have indicated that massage can naturally increase the immune system's cytotoxic capacity (the activity level of the body's natural "killer cells"). In fact, one study showed that a single session of Swedish massage therapy had measurable effects on both the immune system and hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal (HPA) connection. This could have positive implications for care of patients with inflammatory and autoimmune conditions. 

Benefits of Strengthening the Immune System
  • Increases the body's natural killer cells
  • Aids in the fight against bacteria and infection
  • Naturally enhances the body's ability to get nourishment to important areas
To read more:
Massage Benefits Immune & Neuroendocrine FunctionHow Massage Therapy Heals

Book your Immune Boosting Massage + Aqua Detox Combo NOW for just $90 in August
(normally $125)

How To Boost Your Immunity + Massage/Detox Combo Special Offer

Hi Everyone!  August is National Breast Feeding Awareness month.  Breast milk is full of immune antibodies, nourishment, and good bacteria. It serves as our first and most important immune booster!  As our lifelong wellness depends on the health of our immune system, this month's newsletter will focus on how to boost immunity throughout life. This issue is full of research that explains how both Chiropractic and Massage serve to boost your immune system.  It also explains the importance of rest, a healthy fresh food diet, and how chronic stress and toxicity continue to lower your immune response.  We give breathing techniques, nutritional supplement ideas, and detoxification options ALL aimed at increasing immune function.

Optimizing immune function should be a daily part of your wellness plan.  If you or a family member suffer from chronic illness, sinus congestion, colds and flu's more than once per year or frequent digestive upset, your body is demonstrating signs of lowered immune function.  Take action NOW, don't wait until something more serious hits. 

Feel free to talk with me or my staff about any of the suggestions we have given below.  We are here to help with boosting your Immune system and with ALL of your wellness needs. Until our next adjustment...
Yours in Health,
Dr. Heidi & The InnerMovement Wellness Team


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