Monday, August 15, 2011

Trigger Points: answers about pain

Health Research Corner  
with Dr. Arin Broosan, D.C., C.S.C.S., C.K.T.P.
 Dr. Broosan research corner
Trigger Points:  answers about pain 

People often ask if their pain is from a muscle or joint issue.  The truth is that muscles and joints are so intimately related that you cannot separate them from a physiological point of view.  Our joints are comprised of  many  structural, muscular and neurological components that are interdependent on one another.

Most people have areas of constricted or tight muscles that can be seen with bad posture, chronic & repetitive over-use, and emotional stress.  These constricted muscles affect our  our posture, ability to move and our body's ability to function optimally.  Our muscular health directly affects the nervous system, blood flow,lymphatic drainage and our overall health. 

One key factor in muscular health that can lead to pain and dysfunction is known as a trigger point.  Trigger points are hyper-irritable spots that are associated with knots in tight muscles.  When these points are pressed upon, they can be tender in addition to referring pain to areas distant to the points being pressed upon.   

Here are some common trigger points: 
trigger points 
The complex relationship of interdependence between our bodies systems is why the combination of massage with chiropractic adjustments work so well together.  Addressing multiple, complementary systems aids in not only pain relief but optimal health. 

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