Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Hydrate for Health

Nutrition News
Hydrate for Health 
water droplet heart

Our body weight is comprised of 60-70 percent water so we need to stay hydrated to keep our bodies running at their best as hydration affects our energy levels, digestion, regularity and blood pressure.

Dehydration slows the activity of enzymes which leads to feelings of fatigue.  In fact, the slightest reduction can lower our metabolism.  When we don't drink enough liquids, the digestive process is impaired which leads to slower elimination, systemic toxicity and inflammation.  Chronic dehydration results in a thickening of our blood which causes our blood vessels to contract.  Our bodies must work that much harder to push blood through our veins, resulting in elevated blood pressure.

So what's the best way to stay properly hydrated?  While those successfully marketed sports drinks can be tempting, water is truly the best way to hydrate your body.  Eight 8-ounce glasses a day is recommended by the Mayo Clinic 

We've all heard this before, but do we do it?  Here are some easy ways to make your water more tasty and boost your nutrition!

Lemon water:  Add a lemon slice and some lemon juice to your water.  The beauty of lemon water is that it is tasty, refreshing and best of all, alkalising.  The value of eating lemons is reported by Jethro Kloss, a pioneer in natural herbal remedies, in his book Back to Eden: "The medicinal value of the lemon is as follows: It is an antiseptic, or is an agent that prevents sepsis [the presence of pathogenic bacteria] or putrefaction [decomposition of tissue]. It is also anti-scorbutic, a term meaning a remedy which will prevent disease and assist in cleansing the system of impurities."  

Cucumber water:  You often see this at the spa and it is delicious but did you know that cucumber water has some great health benefits?  The flesh of cucumbers is primarily composed of water but also contains ascorbic acid (vitamin C) and caffeic acid, both of which help soothe skin irritations and reduce swelling. Cucumber juice is often recommended as a source of silica to improve the complexion and health of the skin, plus cucumber's high water content makes it naturally hydrating a must for glowing skin.

Are you looking for a water alternative? 
Coconut water is fat-free, cholesterol-free, low-calorie, super-hydrating, naturally rich in electrolytes.  Over long periods of exercise, the body needs to replace electrolyte salts that are naturally sweated out, especially potassium; its absence can cause muscle cramping and delayed recovery time after exercise.   

Orange juice (ideally not from concentrate) is a very good natural source of potassium too.

Another way to keep hydrated is to incorporate more water-rich foods into your diet such as: tomatoes, peaches, pineapple, melon, strawberries, oranges, cucumbers, lettuce, carrots, squash and bell peppers.  And believe it or not,  a potato is roughly 80 percent water.

So ... Cheers and drink to your health!

Monday, August 15, 2011

Trigger Points: answers about pain

Health Research Corner  
with Dr. Arin Broosan, D.C., C.S.C.S., C.K.T.P.
 Dr. Broosan research corner
Trigger Points:  answers about pain 

People often ask if their pain is from a muscle or joint issue.  The truth is that muscles and joints are so intimately related that you cannot separate them from a physiological point of view.  Our joints are comprised of  many  structural, muscular and neurological components that are interdependent on one another.

Most people have areas of constricted or tight muscles that can be seen with bad posture, chronic & repetitive over-use, and emotional stress.  These constricted muscles affect our  our posture, ability to move and our body's ability to function optimally.  Our muscular health directly affects the nervous system, blood flow,lymphatic drainage and our overall health. 

One key factor in muscular health that can lead to pain and dysfunction is known as a trigger point.  Trigger points are hyper-irritable spots that are associated with knots in tight muscles.  When these points are pressed upon, they can be tender in addition to referring pain to areas distant to the points being pressed upon.   

Here are some common trigger points: 
trigger points 
The complex relationship of interdependence between our bodies systems is why the combination of massage with chiropractic adjustments work so well together.  Addressing multiple, complementary systems aids in not only pain relief but optimal health. 

Thursday, August 4, 2011

Healing & Curative Properties of Bamboo

An Eastern Perspective 

with Veronica Sanchez, LAc, RN  

Healing & Curative Properties of Bamboo
bambooWhen most of us look at bamboo, we don't think of it as medicine but it's medicinal properties have been used in TCM (Traditional Chinese Medicine) for thousands  
of years. The leaves of certain bamboo plants are used as a stimulant, aromatic and tonic. They are useful in counteracting spasmodic disorders, and arrest secretion or bleeding. They are also an effective aphrodisiac. The leaves do not have any prominent taste.

Stomach Disorders:  The leaves are beneficial in the treatment of stomach troubles. They are useful in strengthening the stomach and promoting its action. The young shoots of the tree are also useful in stomach disorders. Pickled or cooked, they serve as an appetizer. In many parts of India , the leaves of the tree are used in the form of decoction to treat diarrhea. So, add them to a salad or enjoy them in a stir-fired dish!

Respiratory Disorders:  Decoction of the shoots should be taken with a tablespoon of honey once or twice daily for those with a sore throat.

Menstrual Disorders:  A decoction of the nodes of the bamboo stem and leaves promotes and regulates menstrual periods; especially for painful periods prior to menstruation.   

Wounds and Ulcers:  A poultice of the tender shoots is used for cleaning wounds.  A decoction or juice of the fresh bamboo leaves is applied as a medicine in such ulcers.

Dosage of Bamboo:  
The juice of 35 grams of fresh leaves may be taken twice daily either alone or mixed with any other juice. The decoction extracted from 70 grams of leaves may be used by itself. About 120 ml of the juice extracted from very tender shoots may be taken twice daily.  *As always, we recommend you seek professional advice before taking any type of supplement or remedy. 

For more information on how Bamboo could help you or to schedule an appointment for Acupuncture, please contact us at 818/549-1300. 

Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Bamboo Massage

Happy Summer everyone! 

While you've been out having fun in the sun, we've been preparing for the launch of our new Bamboo Massage.  This massage caught my attention from the first time I heard about it.  

Basically, the massage treatment is performed using hand crafted bamboo rods that are heated and oiled to glide smoothly over the body.  From years of receiving massage as an ongoing part of my wellness routine, I often felt that if I could only have someone roll a rolling pin over my muscles to work out all the kinks and tension.  The Bamboo Massage is just what I was wishing for and with the addition of the soothing feel of heat you leave feeling like dough from head to toe! :)  

So far, the massage has been a hit!  The Massage staff loves it because the bamboo tools make it easy to work deeper into the muscles and the heat is soothing to both client and therapist.  Flora, Krista and all the practitioners in the office tried the Bamboo Massage and they all gave it an excited thumbs up plus booked a second.  And last month we tested the Massage on a specific group of patients with rave reviews (see below).  So, with all of the overwhelming positive feedback, we are sure your going to love it too!  InnerMovement is the only Wellness center in the greater LA area offering the Bamboo Massage, so be the first to try it and bring your friends along too!  Until our next adjustment.... 

Yours in health,    
Dr. Heidi & The InnerMovement Wellness Team 

Monday, August 1, 2011

Start your day with a smoothie!

Nutrition News
healthy food heart
Smoothies are an easy way to get the extra nutrition needed during pregnancy to build a healthy baby and keep mom strong.  And for the little one's at home, they are an easy & tasty treat that they won't even know is healthy.  

Consuming Raw Fruits and Vegetables in a smoothie every day will do several things for you:
  • Ensure you are properly hydrated  
  • Provide you with the full spectrum of nature's bioavailable vitamins, nutrients and antioxidants
  • Give you plenty of natural fiber to ensure excellent digestion
  • Provide you with the scientifically proven best "brain fuel" in the form of fructose
  • Help empower your immune system to protect you from illness
We recommend that you make your own smoothies at home as many store-bought brands contain unwanted sweeteners.  Also, by making your smoothie fresh, you're getting the best nutritional benefits as these can be affected by shelf-life.

Click HERE  to download some of our favorite smoothie recipes.  Enjoy!


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