Monday, January 28, 2013


According to the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA), over 35% of the food tested in 1998 contained pesticide residues. 53 pesticides classified as "carcinogens" are presently registered for use on major crops, including apples, tomatoes, and potatoes. Additionally, more than 10,000 additives are added to our food supply that weren't there 50 years ago. In fact, an average American eats about 142 pounds of additives a year. There is no doubt about it, we do not live in a pristine world. In today's world of processed foods and environmental pollution, toxic substances exist almost everywhere. And as a society, we are all exposed on some level, and its making us sick! That is why I encourage each of my staff, family members and patients to do a complete, medically managed 3 week Detox at the start of each year. Without elimination, these stored toxins may be slowly released into the blood, contributing to many chronic illnesses.

Our Easy 3-Step 3-Week Detox is formulated with a meal replacement, nutrient dense, detoxification beverage, along with detoxifying herbs in easy to use daily packs that cleanse the liver, gallbladder, kidneys and colon while eating a simple but effective Detox diet. It also includes bi-weekly Aqua Detox Footbaths, to further eliminate toxins making it the most thorough detoxification program on the market. That is why we recommend our Detox over many self administered, over the counter brands. Because most of us are not only toxic but we are also deficient, the Easy 3 step Detox with daily shakes and clean, nutrient rich diet, along with detoxifying herbs, serves to nourish the body as we cleanse, giving energy and restoring vitality while ridding our bodies of harmful toxic buildup.  

Take the first step...  
Fill out the Bio-Toxicity Self Assessment test to find out if toxic buildup is happening to you.

Thursday, January 10, 2013

Easy 3 Step Detox initiative


dr heidi
Dr. Heidi
 It's New Year!! And it's time for our Easy 3 Step Detox initiative. Once per year, we at InnerMovement promote and also participate in a full 3 week Detox that includes 3 easy steps. 
  • Step 1 focuses on reducing inflammation and removing hidden food allergies by eating the Bio-Detox diet full of vegetables, fruit, lean protein, good oils, nuts & seeds. In Step 1 we avoid all gluten and dairy products, alcohol, caffeine, sugar and refined oils. 
  • Step 2 begins after 7 days of eating clean with the BioDetox diet, further eliminating fruits & nuts and adding Detoxifying meal replacement shakes and Detox herbal supplements. Step 2 is a thorough 14 day detoxification program designed to eliminate toxic buildup in the liver, gallbladder, kidneys and colon.
  • Step 3 ends the program focusing on regeneration & repair, continuing the Nourishing shakes and adding a few key supplements needed to restore intestinal balance after the cleanse.
I highly recommend every patient commit to a thorough Detox once per year, and I have not found a detox program that patients love more or with as many clinical benefits as the Easy 3 Step Bio-Detox Program. Patients lose weight, gain energy, decrease pain and by decreasing inflammation and identifying food allergies, they prevent chronic illness. It has been strongly documented that cancer as well as many other immune and inflammatory illnesses are caused by environmental toxins and hidden food allergies damaging our cells. I personally believe that prevention is the only real "cure" because once we have these devastating illnesses there are limited options available to bring the body back to health.

Take the time to read more, get educated and decide for yourself. Also, I have made myself available by email or phone to answer any questions you may have regarding the Easy 3 Step Detox: email: or call: 818-549-1300.
Until our next adjustment.... 

Yours in health,    
Dr. Heidi & The InnerMovement Wellness Team 

Wednesday, January 9, 2013

Easy 3-Step, 3 Week Bio-Detoxification Program

Start Your New Year by Promoting Long-Term Health & Wellness
with our 

   January Special*  $ 300.00
    • Jumpstart Weight Loss   
    • Energize & Heal Your Body 
    • Eliminate Toxins
    • Decrease Inflammation
    • Remove Food Allergens 
Program includes:
      • Program guide with easy to follow Diet Plan of daily menus, shopping lists, recipes & much more 
      • NutriClear Meal Replacement Beverage (2-week supply of 2 per day)  
      • Immune Boosting Whey Protein Powder (2-week supply of 2 per day) 
      • 1 Shaker Cup 
      • Bio-Detox Packs of detoxification nutrients & herbs (2-week supply of 2 packs per day ) 
      • Unlimited email support provided by Dr. Heidi
      • Six 30-minute Aqua Detox Foot Baths (2 per week over 3 weeks)
    *offer expires 01/31/13


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