Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Pre & Post-Natal Massage

Pre & Post-Natal Massage 

Therapeutic bodywork benefits
by Christy Manchester, L.M.T. & Proud Mom 

As individuals we want what is best for ourselves.  As mothers we want what is best for our children. During Pregnancy, that means double duty!  Pregnancy massage is not only good for our changing bodies, but it also benefits the life growing within.  Everything we do and feel as an expectant mother is felt by our babies. If we are stressed and uncomfortable our baby feels it. Think about it, at no other time in your life will you be as connected as you are now.  

Women's bodies go through a myriad of changes during pregnancy both emotionally and physically. Swedish massage is most recommended for pregnancy as it addresses many common discomforts associated with the skeletal and circulatory changes brought on by hormone shifts during pregnancy. By reducing anxiety, decreasing symptoms of depression, increasing circulation and relieving muscle aches and pains, you are maintaining a safe and comfortable environment for your unborn child.   

We also want a safe labor and delivery and want our newborn to be healthy. Studies show that therapeutic massageincorporated into regular prenatal care can improve labor outcomes and newborn health. In the past 10 years studies have shown that hormone levels associated with relaxation and stress are significantly altered, leading to mood regulation and improved cardiovascular health. These changes led to fewer complications during birth and fewer instances of newborn complications, such as low birth weight.  

Once we are holding our little miracle in our arms, our body begins to recuperate from the changes and stresses of pregnancy, labor and delivery as well as the new stresses on the body that comes with caring for our newborn. Post-natal massage gives nurturing and emotional support to help regain lost energy, helps restore our body to it's pre-pregnancy condition, and helps relieve the muscle aches and pains that result from nursing, holding and carrying our newborn.   

Pregnancy massage is a safe and proven technique to add to your regular pre and post-natal care. For more information visit the American Pregnancy Associationwebsite and click on pregnancy wellness.

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