Wednesday, March 2, 2011

"Lucky" You

At this point many of us are starting to feel the hopeful aspirations of our New Year's resolutions fade away. Beyond that many of us may be once again putting ourselves down for our glaring imperfections. Striving for perfection seems to be one of the most accepted illusions of our time. Trying to be the perfect parent, coworker, spouse or to have the perfect body, status or income is an obsession each of us suffer from on one level or another. But the truth is that this perfection we all unconsciously seek will never arrive nor was it meant to. Imperfection is part of our design. Light cannot be without darkness, peaks do not exist without valleys. But knowing this is only the first step. Accepting it and therefore accepting ourselves and each other in all of our imperfection is the ultimate freeing destination. So with your resolutions, goals and growth this year, just do your best everyday and allow that to be perfect.

As luck is a theme in March, remember that after a certain age, health is never about good luck. Many of my patients are struggling with chronic pain/ill health and feel envious of people they see as healthy. Accept your body's aches, pains and imperfections as a conversation and an opportunity to grow. Look at the habits of those with the "luck" of good health and see if you could learn something from them. Begin to feel lucky for exactly who you are, exactly what you are struggling with and breathe a moment of peace in knowing you are doing your absolute best with what you've been given! Until our next adjustment...

Yours in health,

Dr. Heidi & the InnerMovement Wellness Team

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