Friday, September 10, 2010

Increase your metabolism with Qi Gong Breathing Exercise

Breathing exercises are a powerful tool used in Chinese medicine. Try this ....

Prior to each meal: 2 minutes before you eat, do this metabolic boosting breathing exercise: For the first minute of this exercise, place both of your hands below your belly button and take a few long slow deep breaths. Feel your hands rising on the inhale and descending on the exhale-this is focused deep breathing. Do this for the first minute.

It is important to note, a primary function of digestion is to break food into microscopic bits that can be sent to your cells and combusted with oxygen to release energy into the body. Over 90% of our energy comes from oxygen + food. That is why focused breathing is so important prior to each meal.

For the second minute of this exercise, squeeze all the air out on your exhale by bringing the abdomen toward the spine. Now do not worry about inhaling; just focus on bringing your belly toward your spine. Do it as quickly and as comfortably as you can. Imagine you are fanning a fire with bellows of air to make the fire grow.

After your meal, do the following for digestive health and to increase longevity: Bring both hands over the left side of your rib cage, below the heart. This is where the stomach is located. Circle your hands over the stomach area about 50-100 times moving from the right (liver) side of your body toward the left (heart) side of your body.

Congratulations! You just increased your metabolism! This is also a very simple yet powerful practice you can do each and every day.

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