Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Congratulations to our Winning "Mother-of-the-Year"

After reading our entries for the Mother of the Year contest, I was so happy to surprise the Winning Mom! Her own mother, who praised her daughter for overcoming many obstacles in raising her child, nominated her. Her story sang of perserverance and dedication of this deeply committed mother who has given her child a warm home filled with love and laughter.

In celebration of her efforts, the team at InnerMovement will be pampering her and sending Maid in the U.S.A. to clean and sparkle up her home.

Each day at InnerMovement I meet mothers worthy of honoring. Moms who care enough to get adjusted during pregnancy so that birth can be easier for baby. Moms who bring in their little one's for spinal checkups after their first big fall and insist on the whole family getting adjusted, knowing the adjustment will help keep them strong and healthy. Mothers who have raised wonderful children and only now have the time to tend to themselves. I'm so proud and it is the highest honor to treat all of the mothers at our wellness center. Happy Mothers Day to you!

Until our next adjustment...

Yours in health,

Dr. Heidi & The InnerMovement Wellness Team

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