Wednesday, April 3, 2013


Get relief from Allergy Symptoms or Migraine Pain with our

Cold Stone Massage Therapy combines aromatherapy, headache-point release, and the strategic placement of cold, marble stones on the face and neck to reduce nasal swelling and soothe sinus pressure.  
This effective therapy provides relief from allergy symptoms, sinus pain and regular headaches, as well  as diminishing the pain or pressure of migraines.   
Try this natural therapy as your first line of treatment, before resorting to medications! 
30-minute treatment sessions.
You SAVE $15 a treatment
IMC tote
To celebrate Earth Day on April 22, we're giving away 
InnerMovement Chiropractic Reusable Tote Bags to the  
first five patients 
who take advantage of our Cold Stone Facial Massage Special!

Tuesday, April 2, 2013

World Health Day

dr heidi
Dr. Heidi

In celebration of World Health Day this month I would like to define & explain two common terms: 1) Health; defined as the absence of disease.  A state where basic medical needs have been met & survival is maintained.  2) Wellness; defined as an active process of becoming aware of and making choices toward a more successful existence.  Wellness can also be described as the constant, conscious pursuit of living life to its fullest potential.  

In today's ever competitive healthcare market, both of these terms are used interchangeably and consistently.  But I want us all to take a moment and define how we are living.  Are we simply functioning with the absence of disease?  Eating whatever we want, stressed out daily and seeking care only when we are in pain or have symptoms.  OR are we in conscious pursuit of our highest potential?  Getting adequate rest, meditating, exercising, eating vegetables and seeking regular wellness care?

If the former describes you best, I want to wake you up!  I want you to realize that your full potential is not being expressed as you simply coast downhill day to day.  Get back on track with your Wellness Care (chiropractic, massage, acupuncture) and stay consistent.  Also, modify your lifestyle choices so that they add to a more successful existence!!!  Until our next adjustment...

Yours in health,    
Dr. Heidi & The InnerMovement Wellness Team 


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