Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Gift of Good Health for Father's Day

Celebrating Father's Day

by honoring him with the Gifts of Good Health 

fathers day special

Gift Certificate Specials!

      -Must be purchased by June 19th-

Massage Special:
60 - minute
Sports Massage
(savings of $26)


Wellness Package:
Initial Chiropractic
Exam & Treatment
*plus* a 60 - minute
Sports Massage
(savings of over $125!) 

Sunday, June 5, 2011

Core Stretch

by Dr. Heidi FennellD.C., FICPA

Lower back pain affects 80 percent of Americans.  It is the most common reason for missed work and the overuse of pain meds.  Why is low back pain so prevalent? The answer lies simply in our most common activity of daily living: sitting.  In America, we sit while we eat, while we work, in our cars in traffic, while we watch our favorite TV show and so on.  Most of us sit more than we do any other activity.

All of this sitting weakens our core and tightens our hip flexors, the muscles that connect our femur to our lower lumbar vertebrae and are responsible for hip flexion.  While sitting, the hip flexors are in constant contraction and over time, this constant contraction leads to improper biomechanics of the lumbar spine and hip joints which results in pain.   Chiropractic adjustments are extremely helpful in correcting the biomechanical issues caused by this problem and alleviating the pain.  But in order to keep the alignment holding strong and prevent future episodes of pain, patients must stretch the hip flexors (most notably the Psoas muscle), with a stretch known at the "Runners Stretch".   
 runners stretch
How to do the "Runners Stretch":
Kneel on the right knee with the left foot planted in front of you.  Now pull your belly button to your spine (very important) and lean into the left foot until you feel a stretch on the front of the right hip.  For added stretch, maintain the belly button pulled in and reach your right arm overhead.  Hold stretch for 6 deep breathes and repeat on other side.   

Do this stretch daily as part of your morning or evening stretching routine and begin to watch low back tension lessen over time.

Thursday, June 2, 2011

Chiropractic for men

Statistically, men seek Chiropractic care half as often as women. But also statistically, men suffer from more episodes of low back pain than women.  How does that compute?  I wonder if the hero complex has something to do with it?  Every hero from the theatre to our history books bravely suffers for the ones he loves, even to the death.  Maybe stories like this have left an impression on men that suffering is brave and heroic.  And that admitting pain is weak and wimpy.  We are often unaware how this type of unconscious programming affects us.  That may explain why so many men continue to suffer with back pain, neck pain, shoulder pain etc without seeking treatment.   But the truth is that we want our men to live to their fullest potential not to suffer.  We love those strong, heroic qualities but know they are best expressed without pain and injury.   

This Father's Day, I'd like to make an effort to get more men under care.  There is nothing romantic or heroic about continuing to suffer from any type of pain.  Especially, when there is a compassionate team willing & able to help!  So from now until June 19th let's get all the men in our lives to know that we want them to feel their best.  And that it's time the hero makes an appointment to care for his spine!  Until our next adjustment.... 

Yours in health,    
Dr. Heidi & The InnerMovement Wellness Team 


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