Thursday, July 30, 2009

Please Welcome our new Associate

Dr. Kristy

We've got your back!

I'm so happy to welcome Dr. Kristy as an extension of my Chiropractic services. With the practice growing everyday because of all your wonderful referrals, we've needed to make room in the adjusting schedule to accommodate the growth. We've also had our "Weekend Warrior" patients requesting Monday availability. So with these two factors combined with the positive feedback I've gotten from almost all of the patients that Dr. Kristy has seen thus far, it was an easy decision to bring Dr. Kristy on as our Monday morning Chiropractor!

She is available from 8:30 am - 12:30 pm on Mondays.

Please take advantage of Dr. Kristy's skills combined with my own. She is an excellent chiropractor with a caring approach. Patients have actually said that it's a "Treat" to see Dr. Kristy. Many have told me how she "Fixed their shoulder" or "Really helped their back pain." I am so grateful to have found someone I can entrust my patients with and I hope you all book a Monday appointment in the near future to meet Dr. Kristy!

All fees, insurance billing and procedures remain unchanged.

Yours in Health,

Dr. Heidi Fennell DC FICPA

Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Prime Time, Prep Time, Play Time for your "Stay-Cation"

Prime Time, Prep Time,
Play Time for your
By now you have heard the term "Stay-cation" which means families that are staying put this spring and summer rather than traveling to go on vacation. Stay-cationing is a way to find balance during these challenging economic times while also experiencing the fun and escape that comes with being on vacation. Here are some great tips from the Prime Time, Prep Time, Play Time model of The 100 Year Lifestyle that vacationers can use this summer to maximize their work or job search production, stay organized and enhance their environment while also enjoying great playtime to ensure the rest and rejuvenation that we all deserve.

Play Time

Play Time is the time where stay-cationers can enjoy all the local flavor including the national and state parks, rivers, lakes and museums that may be in your area. Do your homework to find out when the best times to visit these places might be and plan full day excursions so that you and your family can make the most of these Play Time days. Schedule your Play Time days without letting any work seep in to the day. You may find that one full day of fun activity doing what you love can be just as effective to your well being as a long trip away from home. Refresh your outlook on life by giving yourself permission to enjoy it. You can use some of your Play Time to relax, meditate and think about what you really want to do with your life, then use your Prep Time and Prime Time to research and pursue new goals.

Prep Time

Prep Time is when you organize and plan the best use of your time this summer. It includes researching possible Play Time activities, organizing yourself for great Prime Times, planning strategic meetings with clients or team members or extensive projects at work or at home. Prep Time is also good for catching up on important doctor visits that are sometimes difficult to get done during the year. Schedule appointments for your chiropractic adjustments, massages, dental visits or any other appointments you feel might be necessary while you have the freedom in your schedule to get these things done. Effectively using your Prep days will make your Play Time more fun and your Prime Time more productive.

Prime Time

Prime Time is about production. This is the time when you are meeting with friends or family, going to doctors visits or doing extensive work on a project you've been putting off. This strategy is different than dabbling. If you dabble a little bit each day with these three aspects of time, you will find that you inch yourself forward and feel incomplete. Of course, nobody's perfect and remember: Change Happens One Choice at a Time, Think Progress Not Perfection, so don't expect 100% on each of these days. Even if you hit 80% you will love it, especially if you are a mom with young kids. Having these full days dedicated to either production, planning or fun will help insure that your "Stay-cations" this summer can become some of the most memorable vacations of your life.

Thursday, July 2, 2009

We want you to declare your Independence!

...wishes you Independence from Pain & Stress.

Living The 100 Year Lifestyle is about living a healthy, passionate, prosperous life everyday of your life for 100 years and beyond. At InnerMovement Chiropractic we not only believe you should feel good and be pain free but also teach that living a healthy lifestyle is the key to a long healthy life . There are many centenarians who are achieving this goal. Unfortunately there are many people in their 80's, 90's and beyond who are suffering during their later years because they were blindsided by their unexpected extended life. Many are becoming a burden to their family because they did not know they would live this long. They did not take care of themselves to insure a lifetime of independence. If you have aging parents and grandparents, it is very important that you acknowledge that you have their genes. Healthy lifestyle choices will insure that you age well, making the most of your longevity so that you can share your later years with the people you love rather than be a drain on their emotions and resources.

A Healthy Life Style Triggers Genetic Changes

Research from the MacArthur Foundation found that quality of life is dependent on 30% of your genetic makeup as opposed to 70% of your lifestyle choices. Just because your aging parents or grandparents may be suffering with a disease, this does not have to happen to you. Stop blaming your genes and change your lifestyle.

Follow the Health Care Hierarchy

The Health Care Hierarchy of The 100 Year Lifestyle is Self Care and Health Care first, and Crisis Care last. Here are some self care and health care things that you can incorporate into your lifestyle to improve your quality of life, offset the effect of aging, and insure to the best of your ability that you live a life of independence.

Self Care

Eat more vegetables
Eat lean proteins and whole grain foods.
Exercise 4-5 times per week including endurance, strength, and structure training.
Spend more quality time with family and friends.
Minimize the stress in your environment.
Cleanse your home or work space.
Use green-friendly non-toxic products.
Be conscious of your posture.
Open a savings account and live within your means.
Get 7-8 hours of sleep per night and get a supportive pillow.
Take a good quality, whole food organic supplement.

Health Care

Get your teeth cleaned.
See your chiropractor for spinal adjustments.
Have a preventative health screening that is related to a disease in your family.
Consult with a personal trainer.
Schedule a massage.

Crisis Care

Obviously this is something that you want to avoid through good self care and health care choices. Ignoring self care and health care will set you up for a lifetime of living from crisis to crisis which is more likely to create a dependent life where your finish line can be a decade or more of suffering and dependency. The Health Care Hierarchy of The 100 Year Lifestyle will not only insure that you maximize the quantity of your years but more importantly it will insure that you and your family enjoy incredible quality years together for a lifetime.

InnerMovement Chiropractic
1218 E Broadway
Glendale, California 91205
(818) 549-1300

Health Care & Self Care with 3 great Specials!

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