Friday, December 19, 2014

How Toxic are You?

Biotoxicity is the accumulation of toxins in the body as the result of exposure to certain biological sources. Biotoxins can impair the functioning of the human musculoskeletal system and nervous system. 

Signs & symptoms:
  • Headaches
  • Joint Pains
  • Fatigue
  • Allergic Responses
  • Immune Weakness
  • Depression
  • Constipation
  • Sinus Congestion
  • Chronic Back Pain
  • Blood sugar problems
  • Skin conditions
  • Hormonal problems
The painful symptoms of biotoxicity and neurotoxicity are similar to the symptoms of a variety of other medical conditions, such as fibromyalgia, migraines or chronic headaches, depression, chronic fatigue, recurrent or chronic sinusitis, or other conditions that are unresponsive to conventional therapy. The symptoms of biotoxicity can also mimic those of some autoimmune diseases.

Check your own health by taking our Bio-Toxicity Self Test 

Wednesday, December 17, 2014

Easy 3 Step Bio-Detox Program

Health & Wellness News

As we wind down 2014, we look forward to the opportunity to embrace our health by embarking on a personal wellness plan in the New Year. One of the best ways we've found is to partake in our Easy 3 Step Detox Initiative

Every January, we at InnerMovement promote and participate in a full 21-day Detox that includes 3 easy detoxifying steps.  As a result of the high levels of toxicity in our environment along with the damaging effects of our high sugar, processed, chemically ridden food supply, I highly recommend every patient commit to some form of thorough detoxification at least once per year.  I have not found a detox program that patients love more or with as many clinical benefits as the Easy 3 Step Bio-Detox Program.

Take the time to read more, get educated and decide for yourself. Included with our 3 Step Detox, we offer a gentle Aqua Detox Program which is also available as a solo treatment for patients in need of a gentler form of detoxification. 
  • Step 1 focuses on eliminating inflammation, pain, stress & lethargy by following the "Eat Clean" diet full of fresh vegetables, fruit, lean protein, healthy oils, nuts & seeds. In Step 1, we avoid all processed foods, gluten and dairy products, alcohol, caffeine, sugar and refined oils. You won't believe how good you will feel once you're your system is free of this "junk". 
  • Step 2 begins on day 7 of the "Eat Clean" diet, by adding nourishing meal replacement protein shakes and detoxifying herbal supplement packs. Step 2 is a thorough 14 day detoxification program designed to eliminate toxic buildup in the liver, gallbladder, kidneys and colon. This step jump starts weight loss, decreases allergies and prevents toxic buildup from making you sick! 
  • Step 3 begins on day 21 (the completion of the detox) focusing on restoring intestinal balance and maintaining the high energy state of health you have just created with the Easy 3 Step Detox.
And this year, we're adding something new!

To kick-off the Detox Program and aid my patients throughout the process, I will be hosting meetings to lend program support, provide motivation, offer a Q&A session, and present a wellness community.

(note:  all meetings will be held at the InnerMovement Offices):
  • Saturday, January 10th at 8am -- Week 1:  Sign up for the Detox Program, order your Detox Kit, outline your shopping guide and have a group Q&A with Dr Heidi so you are ready to go with Step 1 of the Detox:  the 7 day Cleansing Diet 
  • Saturday, January 17th at 8am -- Week 2 & 3:  Refine your shopping guide and get Program support with group Q&A for Step 2 of the Detox: 14 day Herbal Detox Program and Meal Replacement Drinks
  • Monday, February 2nd at 6pm -- Completion of the Cleanse: Celebrate your success!  Learn steps to continue the detox & keep the weight loss process ongoing with group Q&A

Have questions?  Simply click the "Ask Dr. Heidi" link on our website homepage or call our office. Until our next adjustment...
Yours in Health,
Dr. Heidi & The InnerMovement Wellness Team


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