It's a New Year and time for our 3-week Detox Initiative! Every year, we at InnerMovement both promote and participate in, a full 3-week Body Detox.
The Detox Program consists of 3 Steps:
Step 1 focuses on reducing inflammation and uncovering hidden food allergies by eating a diet full of vegetables, fruit, lean protein, good oils, nuts & seeds. In Step 1, we avoid all gluten and dairy products, alcohol, caffeine, sugar, refined oils and soy.
Step 2 begins after 7 days of eating clean with the BioDetox shakes and herbal supplements. Step 2 is a thorough 14-day detoxification program designed to eliminate toxic buildup in the liver, gallbladder, kidneys and colon.
Step 3 ends the program focusing on regeneration & repair, continuing the Nourishing shakes and adding a few key supplements needed for tissue repair. Step 3 is designed to provide necessary building blocks for the body to repair any damaged cells or tissue that may have occurred as a result of toxic buildup.
I highly recommend that every patient commit to a thorough Detox once per year, not only to feel better but also as preventative measure. It has been strongly documented that cancer as well as many other immune and inflammatory illnesses are caused by environmental toxins damaging our cells. I personally believe that prevention is the only real "cure" because once our systems have been compromised by devastating illnesses, there are limited options available to bring the body back to full and vibrant health.
Please take the time to read more, get educated and decide for yourself. I am happy to be available for discussion or questions you may have regarding the 3-week Detox via email or by calling our office at: 818-549-1300.
Until our next adjustment....
Yours in health,
Dr. Heidi & The InnerMovement Wellness Team