One of the things we can be most thankful for is our choice to make informed decisions about the health care we choose for ourselves and our families. That is why I am urging all parents to do some research before giving your daughter the Gardasil Vaccine.
The National Vaccine Information Center (NVIC) is demanding an investigation by the Department of Health & Human Services (DHHS) and the U.S. Congress into the fast-tracked licensure and government recommendation that all young girls and women receive the Gardasil vaccine. This vaccine is recommended as protection against HPV virus (venereal warts) which can lead to cervical cancer but according to the NVIC, the risks outweigh the 'yet to be proven' benefits. Routine pap-smears for our young girls and women are still the prevention of choice for this health concern.
Also to note, it has just been released that CA Governor Jerry Brown signed bill 'AB499' allowing 12-year-old children the ability to consent to being injected with Gardasil vaccines without their parents' knowledge! It has been reported that young girls receiving this 'recommended' vaccine have experienced fainting, seizures, stroke, severe headaches, partial loss of vision and worsening symptoms after repeated vaccination. And there have been 29 Gardasil death reports to the VAERS and clinical studies show the efficacy and safety of the vaccine have proven to be poor, to say the least. Somehow our Governor and Policy Makers believe a 12-year-old girl can consent to her Pediatrician giving her an 'experimental' vaccine that could be devastating to her health. This is where we need to be the watchdogs for our families health, by staying informed with every single vaccine decision as it is clearly not our governments or MD/pharmaceutical companies highest concern.
Please take the time become informed. Don't trust any vaccine recommendations without asking some questions and doing your own research. We all have a right to say "NO" to any vaccine if we feel it to be unnecessary or unsafe.
As a Doctor who has researched this topic extensively, and as a Parent, I am here to help guide you with all of your health care including making vaccine decisions.
Until our next adjustment....
Yours in health,
Dr. Heidi & The InnerMovement Wellness Team
Learn More About the Gardasil Vaccine & Bill 'AB 499'
Learn More About the Gardasil Vaccine & Bill 'AB 499'