This post is just to remind you that some of your insurance benefits may run out at the end of this month. Many insurance policies give you a certain amount of care each year. If you do not take advantage of this benefit during the year, you will lose the benefit.
Other policies pay a greater portion of your treatments if you receive the care before the end of the year. For example, if you have already paid your deductible amount for the year, you will not need to pay this deductible amount again this year. If you wait and see us next year, you will need to pay the deductible amount again before your insurance company will resume paying.
Also, if you have pre-paid into your Health Savings account through your employer, you can come in to redeem it, or put a payment on your account with us to be used at a later time.
We are happy to help you figure out what benefits you are entitled to with your insurance or you can call your insurance company or HR director for help.
If you have any questions, feel free to call us at (818) 549-1300.
Thank you,
InnerMovement Chiropractic