Friday, December 19, 2014

How Toxic are You?

Biotoxicity is the accumulation of toxins in the body as the result of exposure to certain biological sources. Biotoxins can impair the functioning of the human musculoskeletal system and nervous system. 

Signs & symptoms:
  • Headaches
  • Joint Pains
  • Fatigue
  • Allergic Responses
  • Immune Weakness
  • Depression
  • Constipation
  • Sinus Congestion
  • Chronic Back Pain
  • Blood sugar problems
  • Skin conditions
  • Hormonal problems
The painful symptoms of biotoxicity and neurotoxicity are similar to the symptoms of a variety of other medical conditions, such as fibromyalgia, migraines or chronic headaches, depression, chronic fatigue, recurrent or chronic sinusitis, or other conditions that are unresponsive to conventional therapy. The symptoms of biotoxicity can also mimic those of some autoimmune diseases.

Check your own health by taking our Bio-Toxicity Self Test 

Wednesday, December 17, 2014

Easy 3 Step Bio-Detox Program

Health & Wellness News

As we wind down 2014, we look forward to the opportunity to embrace our health by embarking on a personal wellness plan in the New Year. One of the best ways we've found is to partake in our Easy 3 Step Detox Initiative

Every January, we at InnerMovement promote and participate in a full 21-day Detox that includes 3 easy detoxifying steps.  As a result of the high levels of toxicity in our environment along with the damaging effects of our high sugar, processed, chemically ridden food supply, I highly recommend every patient commit to some form of thorough detoxification at least once per year.  I have not found a detox program that patients love more or with as many clinical benefits as the Easy 3 Step Bio-Detox Program.

Take the time to read more, get educated and decide for yourself. Included with our 3 Step Detox, we offer a gentle Aqua Detox Program which is also available as a solo treatment for patients in need of a gentler form of detoxification. 
  • Step 1 focuses on eliminating inflammation, pain, stress & lethargy by following the "Eat Clean" diet full of fresh vegetables, fruit, lean protein, healthy oils, nuts & seeds. In Step 1, we avoid all processed foods, gluten and dairy products, alcohol, caffeine, sugar and refined oils. You won't believe how good you will feel once you're your system is free of this "junk". 
  • Step 2 begins on day 7 of the "Eat Clean" diet, by adding nourishing meal replacement protein shakes and detoxifying herbal supplement packs. Step 2 is a thorough 14 day detoxification program designed to eliminate toxic buildup in the liver, gallbladder, kidneys and colon. This step jump starts weight loss, decreases allergies and prevents toxic buildup from making you sick! 
  • Step 3 begins on day 21 (the completion of the detox) focusing on restoring intestinal balance and maintaining the high energy state of health you have just created with the Easy 3 Step Detox.
And this year, we're adding something new!

To kick-off the Detox Program and aid my patients throughout the process, I will be hosting meetings to lend program support, provide motivation, offer a Q&A session, and present a wellness community.

(note:  all meetings will be held at the InnerMovement Offices):
  • Saturday, January 10th at 8am -- Week 1:  Sign up for the Detox Program, order your Detox Kit, outline your shopping guide and have a group Q&A with Dr Heidi so you are ready to go with Step 1 of the Detox:  the 7 day Cleansing Diet 
  • Saturday, January 17th at 8am -- Week 2 & 3:  Refine your shopping guide and get Program support with group Q&A for Step 2 of the Detox: 14 day Herbal Detox Program and Meal Replacement Drinks
  • Monday, February 2nd at 6pm -- Completion of the Cleanse: Celebrate your success!  Learn steps to continue the detox & keep the weight loss process ongoing with group Q&A

Have questions?  Simply click the "Ask Dr. Heidi" link on our website homepage or call our office. Until our next adjustment...
Yours in Health,
Dr. Heidi & The InnerMovement Wellness Team

Tuesday, September 30, 2014

What Are Repetitive Stress Injuries?

Repetitive Stress Injuries (RSIs) are conditions caused by placing too much stress on a joint. These conditions vary in type and severity however most RSIs are linked to the stress of repetitive motions at the computer or overuse injuries in sports. RSI in kids may occur from heavy computer or video game use, texting, playing musical instruments, or the repetitive motion of sports like tennis.
An RSI occurs when stress is placed on a joint, pulling on the tendons and muscles around the joint. When the stress occurs repeatedly, the body does not have time to recover and becomes irritated. The body reacts to the irritation by increasing the amount of fluid in that area to reduce the stress placed on the tendon or muscle.
Conditions that are the result of RSIs include:
  • Carpal tunnel syndrome: swelling inside a narrow "tunnel" formed by bone and ligament in the wrist. Often caused by repetitive use of a computer mouse, repetitive typing, writing or filing, carrying bags while traveling for work
  • Cervical radiculopathy: disk compression in the neck, often caused by repetitive cradling of a phone on the shoulder or forward head position while driving or on of the computer.
  • Lateral Epicondylitis: elbow soreness often called "tennis elbow". Often caused by sports involving rotation of the forearm and wrist.  Also can be caused by carrying a heavy purse or briefcase
  • Thoracic Outlet Syndrome:  compression of nerves exiting the "thoracic outlet" located in the front of the shoulder.  Often caused by rounded shoulders/poor posture at the computer.
Taking preventive measures can help make sure you and your kids don't develop these conditions. Want to know more? Ask Drs. Heidi or Neha how to avoid RSIs.

Monday, September 29, 2014

The Messages Your Neck Is Sending

We spend hours in front of the computer and on our smart devices responding to messages, however we're ignoring the ones sent to us by our bodies.

Too much texting and tilting your head down can become a pain in the neck for many. An excessive amount of leaning your head forward and down, can result in what some people call "Text Neck." 

"Text Neck" is defined as overuse syndrome involving the head, neck and shoulders, usually resulting from the repetitive use and strain on the spine from looking in a downward position.  This abnormal position increases stress on the muscles, causes fatigue, muscle spasms, and even stress headaches.  For every degree of motion to the front or side that you move your head, the stress on your neck is magnified beyond just the weight of the head.  And long-term increased stress on the other structures in your neck, such as the discs and joints, can have negative effects.

Here are a few suggestions to help avoid "Text Neck":
  • Modify the position of the device and hold at a neutral, eye level, instead of always looking down.
  • Take breaks and change or alter your position.
  • Engaging in routine exercise promotes a strong, flexible back and neck, reducing the effects of "text neck" or any repetitive stress on the musculoskeletal system.
  • Commit to regular Spinal Adjustments as well as regular Therapeutic Massage to correct the forward head position, and neck/shoulder tension created by repetitive texting.
To read more:
Your Smartphone Is A Pain In the Neck (
Computer-Related RSI & Kids (

Is "Text Neck" already a pain in your... well, neck? Try our Spinal Health Special treatment combo this month!

Thursday, August 14, 2014

Chiropractic Care & Immunity

Today researchers know there is a critical link between the nervous system and the immune system.

Chiropractic adjustments help regulate the autonomic nervous system.  Your nervous system (brain, spinal cord, and nerves) controls pretty much everything, communicating with endocrine and immune tissue to modulate chemical reactions that keep you healthy.  Other documented happy side effects of this autonomic regulation include lowering blood pressure, relieving anxiety, and reducing inflammatory cytokines and pain.

Our immune system plays such an enormous role in the overall health of literally every cell and tissue in the body.  Not only is it the immune systems job to protect from coughs and colds but also it helps fight against cancer; repair damaged joints and slow down the aging process.

 Patients who come in with colds, sore throats, sinus congestion and stomach viruses often remark that their recovery seems to be accelerated by the chiropractic adjustment. Researchers in New York found that people under chiropractic care demonstrated 200% greater immune function than those who were not receiving Chiropractic adjustments (1). 

6 Studies Show Chiropractic Benefits On The Immune System
1) Pero R. "Medical Researcher Excited By CBSRF Project Results." The Chiropractic Journal, August 1989; 32

Want to know more?  Ask Drs. Heidi or Neha how Chiropractic can improve your health!

Tuesday, August 12, 2014

How Massage Benefits The Immune System

Research shows that the benefits of regular therapeutic massage extend far beyond relaxation.  

New evidence has begun to show that massage therapy has positive effects on management of stress hormones and immune function. 

Clinical studies have indicated that massage can naturally increase the immune system's cytotoxic capacity (the activity level of the body's natural "killer cells"). In fact, one study showed that a single session of Swedish massage therapy had measurable effects on both the immune system and hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal (HPA) connection. This could have positive implications for care of patients with inflammatory and autoimmune conditions. 

Benefits of Strengthening the Immune System
  • Increases the body's natural killer cells
  • Aids in the fight against bacteria and infection
  • Naturally enhances the body's ability to get nourishment to important areas
To read more:
Massage Benefits Immune & Neuroendocrine FunctionHow Massage Therapy Heals

Book your Immune Boosting Massage + Aqua Detox Combo NOW for just $90 in August
(normally $125)

How To Boost Your Immunity + Massage/Detox Combo Special Offer

Hi Everyone!  August is National Breast Feeding Awareness month.  Breast milk is full of immune antibodies, nourishment, and good bacteria. It serves as our first and most important immune booster!  As our lifelong wellness depends on the health of our immune system, this month's newsletter will focus on how to boost immunity throughout life. This issue is full of research that explains how both Chiropractic and Massage serve to boost your immune system.  It also explains the importance of rest, a healthy fresh food diet, and how chronic stress and toxicity continue to lower your immune response.  We give breathing techniques, nutritional supplement ideas, and detoxification options ALL aimed at increasing immune function.

Optimizing immune function should be a daily part of your wellness plan.  If you or a family member suffer from chronic illness, sinus congestion, colds and flu's more than once per year or frequent digestive upset, your body is demonstrating signs of lowered immune function.  Take action NOW, don't wait until something more serious hits. 

Feel free to talk with me or my staff about any of the suggestions we have given below.  We are here to help with boosting your Immune system and with ALL of your wellness needs. Until our next adjustment...
Yours in Health,
Dr. Heidi & The InnerMovement Wellness Team

Thursday, June 12, 2014

Fri & Sat Appts Available plus Father's Day Gift Specials

Open Appointments

Friday and Saturday   -  Get your WELLNESS on !!!


appointments available
this Friday with Dr. Neha
 - 9:30 am
  - 11:30 am
 - 3:30 pm
Book now and get a
 $10 Discount on your 
Chiropractic appointment!


We have 3 MASSAGE 
appointments available 
this Friday!
10:00 am
12:30 pm
2:45 pm

 Book now and get a
 $10 Discount 
on your Massage! 


We have 3 Acupuncture 
appointments available 
this Saturday!
11:15 am
12:15 pm
 - 3:30 pm

$59 New Patient Special


organic facial  

We have 2 Organic Facial 
appointments available 
this Friday at:
 - 4:30 pm

$49 Organic Facial " On The Go "
(reg. $59)
$99 Ultimate Comfort Facial 
(reg. $120)
No Insurance?  No problem!
Ask about our Cash Discount Plans!

 To reserve your appointment
call us at  (818) 549-1300  or  

Thursday, June 5, 2014

Men's Health & Pain

This month our focus is on Men's Health.  As the majority of our readers are female, we are hoping to bring our ladies to a deeper understanding of men and their health.  First of all, I want to talk about the differences between the way men and women experience pain.  A 2003 study in the journal Gastroenterology found that areas of male and female brains reacted differently to pain.  When pain is induced, the female brain shows greater activity in the emotion-based centers called the limbic regions, and the male brains shows greater activity in the analytic or cognitive centers.  This difference makes women to 'tend and befriend' and creates a 'fight or flight' reaction in men.  This interesting article explains why men experience fear and anxiety when they are in pain and are much less likely to seek help.  The fight or flight reaction triggers a man to want to be alone.  He is more likely to become angry and experience high levels of stress when he is in pain.  This is a neurological response and for us ladies, as well as caretakers, it should be met with compassion and understanding when our men are in pain. 

Second, I want to talk about why the body creates a pain response.  That is simple.  It is an indicator that a much larger problem is happening and the body wants to alert us to it.  A headache for example can be a sign of dehydration, hormone imbalance, nerve pressure, too much stress, etc. etc. All of which disrupt the bodies natural ability to heal itself.  Without enough water, the body cannot process sugar, release toxins, lubricate joints.  And even small amounts of pressure on a spinal nerve disrupts immune & organ function in areas that nerve supplies.

So ladies, if your man is complaining of pain.  If he is grumpy and stressed.  Find a way to get him to our office!  We can accommodate both of you at the same time with any of our treatments.  And with the Father's Day Specials we are featuring this month, the timing couldn't be better!  I hope to see ALL your men in the office this month!  Until our next adjustment...
Yours in Health,
Dr. Heidi & The InnerMovement Wellness Team

Celebrate Men's Health with our Father's Day Specials

Sunday, May 25, 2014

Foods To Eat During Pregnancy

healthy food heart

  • Whole Grains offer fiber, folic acid and iron.
  • Berries - as they are packed with Vitamin C, potassium and fiber.
  • Beans which are full of protein, fiber, and key ingredients like zinc, iron, calcium, and folate.
  • Low-fat yogurt is high in calcium and protein.
  • Fresh fruits and vegetables.
  • Sweet potatoes.
  • Walnuts.
  • Bananas are chock full of potassium and may help with nausea during the first trimester.
  • Avocados offer B & C vitamins and fiber.

Wednesday, May 7, 2014

Pregnancy is a time when a woman's body needs the best of care

Pregnancy Care

Pregnancy is a time when a woman's body needs the best of care.  Our caring and expert team of doctors, practitioners, and staff provide specialty treatments including:

Prenatal Chiropractic:
Spinal health starts in the womb.  A balanced maternal pelvis helps ensure proper positioning for the baby and assists in easing the birthing process.  Dr. Heidi is also one of a few specialists certified in Webster Intrauterine Constraint Technique used to successfully alleviate breech positioning.

Prenatal Massage:
Massage treats not just the physical body to ease your body through the many changes that occur during this delicate time, but can relieve the stress and tension that accumulates during pregnancy. Our Prenatal Massage is performed side lying and is tailored to your specific needs. Our team is specially trained in prenatal techniques.

Prenatal Skincare:
Hormonal changes during pregnancy can affect a woman's complexion, therefore it's important to adjust your skincare regimen.  Our Organic Facials contain no toxic ingredients so they're safe for moms-to-be.
Our team works closely with many OB/GYNs in the area, ensuring our holistic care offers the perfect complement to traditional healthcare - before, during, and after pregnancy.

Have questions?  Please make an appointment to consult with Dr. Heidi to have a custom wellness plan created just for you!

Tuesday, May 6, 2014

Pampering and Healing Gifts for Mom

Celebrate this Mother's Day by giving Mom a gift that will affect her far deeper than a bouquet of flowers or box of chocolates.  Give the gift of nurturing hands on her stressed shoulders or relief to her ongoing back pain.  

There are two package options to customize with the treatments you think Mom will enjoy best.  Choose a relaxing Massage, beautifying Facial or other treatments from our Pampering Package OR natural pain-relieving treatments like Chiropractic, Acupuncture, & more from our Healing Package.  All treatments are tailored to treat the individual and are pre-natal friendly, perfect for Moms-To-Be!

We love taking care of You, and we will love taking care of your MOM just as much!  Happy Mother's Day to all of the Mothers we take care of.  What beautiful women you are! 

Until our next adjustment...
Yours in Health,
Dr. Heidi & The InnerMovement Wellness Team

Monday, April 7, 2014

Spring Clean Your Liver

This month our focus is on Spring Cleaning your Liver!  The liver performs many essential functions related to digestion, metabolism, immunity, and the storage of nutrients within the body. These functions make the liver a vital organ that deserves our attention. We're hoping that after reading this issue you are inspired to begin taking better care your liver!   

You need a healthy liver to:
* Maintain a healthy weight.
* Be less susceptible to getting sick.
* Avoid feeling sluggish and sustain energy throughout the day.
* Fend off dark circles under your eyes and have a glowing complexion.
* Maintain mental clarity and avoid a foggy mind.
* Be pain free!

Unfortunately, Fatty Liver Disease among "non-alcoholic" Americans is growing into an epidemic due to the Standard American Diet (SAD), lack of preventative care, exposure to toxins and use of prescription medications.  Every medication has to be filtered through the liver.  Even Tylenol and common over the counter med's negatively effect the liver.  Every pesticide, plastic, paraben, unhealthy oil, air pollutant, chemical preservative, and much more... put a burden on the liver.  So let's clean it up!  

In our  posts this months, you will learn about liver cleansing foods, vitamins & tea's.  You will be encouraged to participate in our 3 week Detox.  And you will learn how Chiropractic adjustments & Acupuncture treatments can be your allies in maintaining liver health.

Until our next adjustment...

Yours in Health,
Dr. Heidi & The InnerMovement Wellness Team

Saturday, March 8, 2014

Spring Greetings, Acupuncture for treating Seasonal Allergies.

MARCH 2014

As Spring rolls in, the flowers bloom, the grass grows and the wind picks up.  Most of us enjoy the freshness in the air and the renewing of the season, but those who suffer from seasonal allergies dread this time of year, as their sinus congestion, running nose, headaches and asthma make them miserable. Often patients report that  their drugstore remedies only offer temporary relief so they resort to steroid inhalers or strong antihistamines.  These medications may bring temporary relief but they don't provide a solution.  That is why I am dedicating this issue to educating the public on ways to bring the body into harmony naturally and with no side effects while improving your allergies AND your overall health.  

In a study published in the respected journal Annals of Internal Medicine, participants who received the Acupuncture treatments in conjunction with their antihistamines showed a greater improvement in their allergy symptoms and required less use of antihistamines compared to the other groups.  And beyond this double-blind placebo based study there are years of anecdotal evidence in Eastern countries, as well as in the West, on the effectiveness of Acupuncture in treating seasonal allergies.
We invite you to read the information in our posts this month to get an understanding of the theory of Traditional Chinese Medicine.  It is a unique approach, but because of this, Acupuncture can achieve results that other therapies cannot.  There is a list below outlining the many other conditions Acupuncture can help with.  And contrary to what one might think, the needles are thin and painless and the energy created in an Acupuncture session is very pleasant and relaxing.  

highly recommend Acupuncture and want ALL of my patients to heal naturally, which is why I have brought this ancient healing technique to InnerMovement.  Acupuncture offers healing in areas that Chiropractic and Massage do not, however it can serve as integral component of a comprehensive wellness plan.  Acupuncture is a wellness therapy that I entrust my own health, that of my husband and daughter, my staff & many of my patients  with.  I hope you'll consider adding this amazing therapy to your healing regimen.

Until our next adjustment...
Yours in Health,
Dr. Heidi & The InnerMovement Wellness Team 

Tuesday, February 4, 2014

Wellness between Partners

This month at InnerMovement we are focusing on Wellness between Partners.  It has become increasingly apparent over the years in my own relationships as well as in witnessing those of my patients, that the impact we have on one another can be powerfully uplifting OR simply draining.  We would like to offer ways to be a positive influence on our partners wellness this month and always!

Start by getting your partner to participate with you on the 3 Week Detox.  When done together, this can jumpstart weight loss and promote healthy eating for the whole family.  Treat your partner and yourself to a Couples Massage (on special this month!) or register for our Couples Massage Workshop.  Get your partner signed up for their first visit with our Chiropractor or Acupuncturist!  The healing benefits of these techniques not only eliminate pain and stress but restore balance to the muscles, nerves and organ systems.  

Health is our most precious commodity, don't wait for it to be lost before realizing the effect poor health can have on those you love.  BE proactive and BE a powerfully uplifting influence for your Valentine's health this month & ongoing! 
Until our next adjustment...
Yours in Health,
Dr. Heidi & The InnerMovement Wellness Team

Saturday, January 11, 2014

CNN Op Ed Piece on "Holistic Ways to Fight Pain, and Win" --- Dr. Heidi weighs in

I'm sure that many of you saw an article on entitled, "Holistic ways to fight pain, and win" written by Summer Suleiman, Special to CNN, published on Friday, January 10, 2014. (

I'm so happy to hear that Ms. Suleiman has found a way out of her pain.  And even better, that she has found solutions that will not harm her in any way and was so inspired to share her experience on  As a doctor of Chiropractic and Wholistic Health Professional, I stand by my oath of "First Do No Harm" into every aspect of my practice and as part of core objectives for patient offerings at InnerMovement Chiropractic & Wellness.  Our entire team works to provide patients with health and wellness solutions that have little-to-no side effects and work to harmonize the body, not simply mask symptoms.   

In reading Ms. Suleiman's post, I felt the same level of excitement that I do each time my patients declare they are pain-free and feeling better than they thought possible after dealing with chronic pain or illness for decades.  This is truly rewarding through and through!  In my experience, working almost exclusively with pain over the past 10 years, inflammation has proven to be a TOP culprit!  Sometimes the cause is autoimmune or injury related but MOSTLY increased inflammation is due to sedentary lifestyle, stress & the Standard American Diet.  I second Dr. Ghorbani and Ms. Suleiman's recommendations to increase exercise, hours of rest and to decrease stress and eat pro-inflammatory foods.  I also would add that participating in a thorough medically managed detoxification program is extremely helpful in down-regulating pain and inflammation. 

To manage and reduce stress, I have found that both NeuroEmotional Technique (NET) and Acupuncture technique to be very helpful.  NET is a brilliant technique that allows a practitioner to locate the most prominent stressor as well as locate the organ weakness caused by that stressor.  Stress really will make a person sick and is documented clearly in the research as a trigger for pain and inflammation. NET is cutting edge, and I have found it to be very effective in helping patients manage stress.  

Acupuncture has accumulated a lot of scientific research on its benefits in helping with anxiety and depression.  I also recommend Acupuncture for patients with inflammation caused by stress and patients with fibromyalgia or extreme systemic inflammation.  It is remarkably beneficial.  And if exercise is difficult for patients who suffer from joint pain and muscle weakness, I employ structural balancing techniques like Chiropractic Care and Massage Therapy to restore integrity to the musculoskeletal system and get them moving.

It's encouraging to see that more people are turning towards holistic means to improve their health and thus, their quality of life. I feel blessed to be chosen by my patients to provide solutions for their health concerns and be part of the wellness community.  

If you or someone you know is suffering from pain or simply wants to optimize their health, please feel free to contact InnerMovement Chiropractic & Wellness as we'd love to be part of your success story!

Heidi Fennell, D.C., FICPA
Owner and Team Leader at InnerMovement Chiropractic & Wellness

Thursday, January 9, 2014

Health & Wellness News - New Year Detox - InnerMovement

Health & Wellness News
It's a new year and it's time for our Easy 3 Step Detox Initiative! Once per year, we at InnerMovement promote and also participate in a full 21 day Detox that includes 3 easy detoxifying steps. 

Step 1 focuses on eliminating inflammation, pain, stress & lethargy by following the "Eat Clean" diet full of fresh vegetables, fruit, lean protein, healthy oils, nuts & seeds. In Step 1, we avoid all processed foods, gluten and dairy products, alcohol, caffeine, sugar and refined oils. You won't believe how good you will feel once you're your system is free of this "junk". Step 2 begins on day 7 of the "Eat Clean" diet, by adding nourishing meal replacement protein shakes and detoxifying herbal supplement packs. Step 2 is a thorough 14 day detoxification program designed to eliminate toxic buildup in the liver, gallbladder, kidneys and colon. This step jump starts weight loss, decreases allergies and prevents toxic buildup from making you sick! Step 3 begins on day 21 (the completion of the detox) focusing on restoring intestinal balance and maintaining the high energy state of health you have just created with the Easy 3 Step Detox.

Because of the high levels of toxicity in our environment along with the damaging effects of our high sugar, processed, chemically ridden food supply, I highly recommend every patient commit to some form of thorough detoxification at least once per year.  I have not found a detox program that patients love more or with as many clinical benefits as the Easy 3 Step Bio-Detox Program. Take the time to read more, get educated and decide for yourself.  Included with our 3 Step Detox, we offer a gentle Aqua Detox Program which is also available as a solo treatment for patients in need of a gentler form of detoxification. 

To aid my patients throughout the detox program, I have made myself available by email or phone to answer any questions you may have. Simply click the "Ask Dr. Heidi" link on our website homepage or call our office. 

Until our next adjustment...
Yours in Health,
Dr. Heidi & The InnerMovement Wellness Team


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